Key Nutrients

Shimeji Mushrooms are a great source of protein, copper, potassium, zinc, selenium and B vitamins. Mushrooms are also a great source of dietary fiber and are low in both saturated and unsaturated fat.

Nutrition Information

Per 100 grams:

Calories (cKal): 34
Protein (grams): 2.24
Total Fat (grams): .49
Carbohydrates (grams): 6.79
Fiber (grams): 2.5

Health Benefits

Vitamin B1 – Thiamine is an important vitamin since it breaks down sugars in the body. Thiamine also helps to support nerve and heart health.

Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 helps to keep your immune system in good working order. It aids in the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids while helping to maintain the health of lymph nodes. Additionally, vitamin B6 helps to regulate blood glucose levels.

Vitamin B9 – Folate is an important vitamin for liver function.

Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 helps to preserve neurological function and DNA synthesis. It also plays a key role in the health of red blood cells. The nervous system relies on vitamin B12 for proper function as well.

Dietary Fiber – Dietary Fiber stimulates digestion and peristalsis, helping to relieve indigestion and constipation problems.

Potassium – Potassium is an essential mineral which aids in fluid regulation, protein synthesis and cardiovascular health. High levels of potassium are associated with reduced risk for stroke, improved blood pressure control as well as bone health.

Zinc – The health benefits of Zinc include proper functioning of immune system, digestion, control of blood sugar and energy metabolism.

Copper – Copper is an essential mineral which helps to promote proper growth, enzymatic reactions, healthy connective tissues and proper heart rhythm.


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